Over the last 40 years, BAFTA Nominated Dan Gable has been in the content creation space from Radio, TV, corporate, music video, and film. He is passionate about authentic storytelling, customer marketing, and creativity powered by constraint. He is always working on new and innovative ways to amplify the voice of the customer at his production company Sprat, and he also founded the award-winning SaaS start-up, ShoutOut, transforming how videos are produced for over 1000 customers, and thousands of videos have already been made. Dan has worked on many customer advocacy campaigns and has personally written a few hundred Influitive challenges. Dan is also a qualified Master NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, and Counsellor and is on a mission to simplify engaging video content production, always prioritise the message over production value, and, at the beginning of the AI revolution, champion the authentic and the human.
04 December 2024 15:45 - 16:15
Harnessing the power of customer videos
This presentation will discuss off the significance of authentic storytelling in today's marketing landscape. You will delve into the power of real stories and how they resonate with audiences on an emotional level. You'll learn how customer video testimonials provide a unique opportunity to showcase the transformative experiences and outcomes that customers have achieved with your product or service. The session will further explore the key elements of impactful customer video testimonials and importance of selecting relatable customer stories that align with your target audience's pain points and aspirations. You'll gain insights into the art of interview techniques, creating a comfortable and authentic environment that encourages customers to share their experiences genuinely.