Co-Founder and Managing Partner
Captivate Collective
Liz is an award-winning customer marketer and advocacy executive known for her innovative work in customer methodology. She has built advocacy best practice teams from the ground up and has served as a consultant for a wide portfolio of customer advocacy programs. She is co-founder of Captivate Collective, where she enjoys work in researching and developing new approaches to customer engagement, specifically in advocacy branding, advocacy technology and the intersection of B2C and B2B loyalty programs.
04 December 2024 12:00 - 12:30
Lifecycle Advocacy: The new era of advocacy everywhere
Over the last decade, we've seen B2B customer advocacy programming rise from a one-hit wonder to a top hits collection of portfolio programs with advocate communities, CABs, executive engagement and referral, reference and review programs all on the playlist. The development of these programs has many organizations on their feet and clapping their hands to the value they're receiving. But VIP customer programs have also inadvertently created a separate advocate journey, an off-beat solo from the day-to-day customer experience. It's time to spin a new track in the advocacy playbook by offering nurture and engagement opportunities to every customer - strumming the right notes, in the right place, at the right volume to get all your customers grooving along. In this session, long-time advocacy legends Deena Zenyk and Liz Richardson will drop a new album on Lifecycle Advocacy, the intersection of customer marketing and customer advocacy. In this new era tour, they'll drop some sick beats around a new layer of advocacy strategy, Composed in perfect sync with the customer journey, lifecycle advocacy lays down a platinum record vision for tapping into and measuring the holistic value of customer currency.