Senior Customer Marketing Manager
Liz Adams is a customer marketing strategist and leader, responsible for building best-in-class customer marketing programs that boost solution usage, adoption, retention, and expansion. Throughout the past five years as a customer marketer, Liz’s focus has consistently been on finding the best ways to enable and support customers – from end users to c-suite executives – all while shining a light on shared successes. Her driving goal is to keep the voice of the customer at the center of everything she and the company produce. Liz recently started as the Senior Customer Marketing Manager at Templafy, a next-gen document generation platform that automates all business document creation across organizations.
07 December 2023 16:30 - 17:15
Panel: Turning Your Colleagues Into Champions for Customer Marketing
As a customer marketer, how often have you sat in a meeting, heard someone from another department mention a pain point, and thought to yourself, "customer marketing can help with that?". All the time? Same! A stellar customer marketing program can be the secret ingredient to maximizing the lifetime value of your customers - but how do you get the stakeholder buy-in necessary to get a seat at the table? Before focusing on turning your customers into champions for your product, you need to turn your colleagues into champions for customer marketing. This session is for customer marketers building out a brand new program, as well as customer marketers who are continuing to grow an established program. In this session, you’ll learn: 1. How to continually communicate the success and value of customer marketing across an organization 2. How to advocate for customer marketing to get a seat at the table - and keep that seat! 3. How to ensure that customer marketing is a department that the rest of your colleagues LOVE working with and don’t want to do their jobs without