Customer Marketing Manager
Vernon is a Customer Marketing Manager and built the new customer marketing programs at LaunchDarkly. His focus has been building an entirely new customer champion program and strategically supporting reference requests across the entire organization. Prior to his time in customer marketing, he was a Customer Success Manager at LaunchDarkly supporting customers of various sizes across multiple international markets. As you can see Vernon has always had a focus on the customer journey and how to amplify advocacy when they have achieved value. Vernon holds a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from Western Connecticut State University.
07 December 2023 15:00 - 15:30
Lessons Learned From Starting a Champion Program
If you are in customer marketing you may have found yourself getting asked to or ended up building a champion program. It may be something your organization has never done before and here you are trying to figure out how to build one from scratch. Vernon Gomes will share his experience on how LaunchDarkly built its first-ever champion program with the lessons learned along the way. This talk will dive into: 1. Why you would want a champion program 2. Where to start and where to go 3. Guardrails and pitfalls 4. Stakeholders and benefits 5 Gifting and integrations