Customer Marketing Manager
Anjali Arya, an Indian-born Canadian with an adventurous spirit and a vibrant imagination, considers it her superpower. Eight years ago, she launched her thriving Marketing career through persistent cold emails. Anjali's passion lies in building connections between customers and beloved brands. A self-professed information junkie, she constantly seeks knowledge and embraces learning. Combining her love for learning, creativity and strategic thinking, Anjali reimagines & elevates marketing strategies, driving growth and retention, to help brands connect on a deeper level with their customers cultivating loyal advocates along the way. Beyond work, she thrives on living life to the fullest, often experimenting in the kitchen, exploring the Canadian outdoors and indulging in sports and Netflix. Anjali firmly believes in the power of human connection, creating lasting memories through shared experiences. With a desire to explore all the world has to offer, Anjali continues to create an impact, one adventure at a time.